Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Itty Bitty S'more Pies

I had almost decided to let August quietly slip by without posting because there is nothing in me that wants to bake a pie -- ever. Then this little 4-ingredient recipe popped up in my Pinterest feed and since the word "pie" was in the title, it piqued my interest. Since chocolate was a main ingredient, I decided to go for it.

First, let's be honest. This little revolution of mini muffin versions of everything -- pies, casseroles, breakfasts and such -- is basically a cop out for lazy cooks like me who would rather not fuss with all the ingredients. Dumbed-down versions of the real thing. And I freaking love it, I'm not gonna lie. 

As it turns out, you don't even need a campfire to make s'mores as long as you own a muffin pan. Throw away those dirty sticks; here's the recipe you've been waiting for...

Itty Bitty S'more Pies
Swiped (and slightly altered) from Mess for Less

(For a half dozen muffin pan)

Pie Crust roll or Puff Pastry sheet
2-3 Graham Crackers
1-3 Hershey Bars
6-8 Marshmallows

Note: You're going to eat some of the ingredients (if you're a human) so I took that into account with the measurements.

Preheat oven to 375. Grease your muffin pan. Cut a piece of your pie crust and fit it inside each muffin tin, pressing until it's just right, or you just give up. Break graham cracker into pieces so they fill a good portion of the cup. Leave room for about 3 rectangles of chocolate to layer on top. Put in the oven to bake about 5 minutes. Remove and then place a single marshmallow on top of each tin. Put back in oven for about 10 minutes, or until marshmallows start to brown a bit. Drop another Hershey piece on top just because you can.

Things to consider: 1) Using pie crust. My tiny grocery store did not have any so I was stuck with puff pastry. Still worked. 2) Substituting Golden Grahams cereal for the broken graham cracker. 3) Making a Nutella and crumbled Nilla Wafers version. You can thank me later.

Since I'm pretty sure this recipe was intended for children, I decided to let this guy help me out.

But he ended up doing more of this and then dropping the pieces back into the muffin tins. Secrets in the sauce.

Really yummy and really easy. Pie month success. (Can I be done now?)


  1. Ohhh, you would have been in deep trouble if you skipped this month! And I'm so glad you came through because these sound so delicous and they're so pretty. I love your little sous chef and I can't wait until Graham-bo can help me make and eat Graham cracker desserts!

  2. Missy, I love you. And you are brilliant. That is all I have to say. oh, and I want one of these in my mouth.

  3. Well done, Miss! Love that you worked out a post so brilliantly.
