
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Challenge for Beauties and the Feast

It has officially been a year since the six of us started this virtual recipe club called Beauties and the Feast in which one of us would choose a recipe of the month and the rest of us would try it and post about it.  But since it's a new year and we want to keep things fresh, we thought we'd try a new theme for 2012.

Each month one of us will unveil a secret ingredient and challenge the others to use it in a recipe, sort of like Iron Chef.  All six of us will make a dish containing that ingredient and then post the recipe with pictures and our, now sort of famous, candid commentary.  While we won't likely be using Sea Urchin or Quail Eggs, I can promise a good time, yummy food, lots of laughter and yes, that's right, 6 recipes a month instead of one!

"So now, with an open heart and an empty stomach, I say unto you in the words of my uncle: Allez cuisine!"


January's Secret Ingredient and Amber's recipe for Baked Penne with Chicken and Sundried Tomatoes

Emily's recipe for Poblano Penne and Cheese

Missy's recipe for Penne with Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese


  1. What a great idea! Some of my favorite recipes have come from BATF. Now we get even more. Yay!

  2. I'm seriously addicted to Iron Chef and Chopped and am so excited for our new format and more recipes every month! I can't wait to hear what the secret ingredient for January is going to be...

  3. But I put Sea Urchin in everything!
