
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 5 Recipes of 2011

We at Beauties and the Feast want to thank you for a wonderful first year in the blogosphere!  And as is commonly done in the last week of December, we thought we'd honor a good year of eats (and drinks!) with a countdown of the year's most popular recipes.

You can take the girl out of Nevada but you can't take the Nevada out of the girl.

Best recipe for Turkey ever. The secret is in the brine!

Pasta originated from the brothels of Naples - it's easy

 Potatoes, cheese and creepy leprechauns

And, for the #1 recipe of all time with a whopping 552 pageviews (drum roll please)....

Get on with your bad self, Santa; you made the holidays a little brighter.

Thanks for following us this year.  Hope to see you in 2012 for more eats, drinks and laughs!

Cook, Consume, Comment, Cocktail!
-Jolie, Emily, Rachel, Megan, Missy and Amber


  1. So much fun to re-live the best recipes! And I have a feeling the Dirty Santa will be getting a few more page views before the year is over!

  2. What a fun year! Can't wait to do it again...
